International Guests and Staff of the IV DREFF Enjoyed Lunch and a Trip to the Beach in Boca Chica

Sunday September 14th, 2014

Stunning views of the Caribbean Sea provided a backdrop for lunch and a beach trip that the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and its sister institution in the Dominican Republic, Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) offered their special guests and staff of the DREFF.

InvitadosThe lunch took place at Boca Marina Restaurant, located in the heart of beautiful Dominican beach Boca Chica. Guests and organizers of the DREFF enjoyed the warm Caribbean waters, followed by a delicious lunch of exquisite traditional Dominican cuisine with international flair. The group gathered and celebrated the success of the activities of the DREFF in this, its 4th edition. Each year the Film Festival further strengthens its commitment to the environment and public awareness through special lectures, workshops, and film screenings in cities across the country, during the five-day film festival.

GFDD-FUNGLODE aims to raise awareness and deepen understanding of environmental problems worldwide among the Dominican public. However, with the DREFF, GFDD also promotes and even celebrates the beauty and diversity of the natural heritage of the Dominican Republic, offering an insight into the attitudes and actions that ultimately contribute to their recognition, conservation and sustainable use.

For more information about the DREFF please visit DREFF. Join the conversation on sustainable development promoted by followingGFDDorg GFDD andMuestraCine on Twitter, using the hashtags #RDsostenible and #DREFF.


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