An American mother whose son nearly died from contaminated food embarks on a rollercoaster journey to understand the food industry and improve her family’s eating habits. Surprising, funny, and poignant, this personal film unfolds like a home movie. Food Patriots features food advocates from all walks of life who are trying to hatch a revolution to change the way Americans eat and buy food, and educate the next generation of consumers.
Director Bio
Jeff Spitz is an Emmy Award-winner who creates original documentaries and social impact campaigns. His credits as a director and social impact producer include: The Return of Navajo Boy, From the Bottom Up, The Roosevelt Experiment, and America’s Libraries Change Lives. Jeff’s new documentary, Food Patriots, is a funny personal film about raising backyard chickens, battling antibiotic resistant superbugs, and changing the way Americans think about food. A California native and graduate of UCLA, Jeff holds a masters degree in English Literature from the University of Chicago and is an Associate Professor of documentary film at Columbia College Chicago. Along with his wife Jennifer, he is the co-founder of Groundswell Educational Films, a non-profit organization that creates documentary films and social impact campaigns.
Director: Jeff Spitz
Country: USA
Year: 2014
Duration: 74 min
Language: English
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