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In Defense of Food

USA – 2015

Sustainable Foods Feature Films Films


  • Wednesday, September 14 - 10:00am
    Instituto Técnico Superior Comunitario (ITSC), Santo Domingo
  • Wednesday, September 14 - 6:00pm
    FUNGLODE, Santo Domingo
  • Thursday, September 15 - 6:00pm
    Centro Cultural Monina Cámpora, San Juan de la Maguana

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” With that seven-word maxim, US-based journalist Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma) distills a career’s worth of reporting into a prescription for reversing the damage being done to people’s health by today’s industrially driven Western diet. In Defense of Food debunks the daily media barrage of conflicting claims about nutrition. Traveling the globe and exploring the supermarket aisles to illustrate the principles of his bestselling “Eater’s Manifesto,” Pollan offers a clear answer to one of the most confounding and urgent questions of our time: What should I eat to be healthy?

Director: Michael Schwarz

Country: USA

Year: 2015

Duration: 78min

Language: English

Subtitles: Spanish


Filmmaker Michel Schwarz of Kikim Media. Photographed near the San Francisco Bay in Menlo Park, CA on August 25, 2015 by Scott R. Kline.Michael Schwarz

Michael Schwarz (Producer and Director) founded Kikim Media with his wife Kiki Kapany in 1996. His work has been honored with the most prestigious awards in broadcasting — including three national Emmy Awards, two George Foster Peabody Awards, the Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Journalism Award and the Grand Prize in the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards for Coverage of the Disadvantaged. In addition to In Defense of Food, Schwarz is also currently directing The Valley, a three-hour cultural, intellectual, and technological history of Silicon Valley; and The Ornament of the World, a two-hour history of medieval Spain.

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Sustainable Foods
Films to help us reflect on the food we eat, how it’s produced, and the effects of our daily eating decisions on our environment.

These films help us explore the oceans and seas and their corals; birds and other species under threat of extinction; and the abuses committed by humans against global biodiversity. Inspiring, emotive, dramatic, and impactful stories that are guaranteed to rouse any viewer out of apathy.

Climate Change
A selection of films showing the broad reach of the effects of climate change on our lives. From innovative looks at previously neglected sectors (such as commercial shipping) to reflections on properly evaluating a nation’s wealth through its natural resources, cultural heritage, and opportunities for improvement in all areas affected by climate change.

Clean Energy
A look at clean energy alternatives that open the path to a future free of fossil fuels. Films analyzing issues ranging from the effects of coal on the Dominican-Haitian border and oil spills in our oceans, to a survey of the currently available sources of renewable energy.

Sustainable Practices and Attitudes
Provocative projects, innovative ideas, and manifold possibilities that show us how to adopt new attitudes and practices to contribute to sustainability. In our daily consumption of products and services (electricity, clothing, hygiene products, and more), in building our homes, in recycling: small actions can yield big results.

And there’s more...
Ecofilm Kids’ Short Films Program. A special collaboration between DREFF and the Ecofilm International Environmental Short Film Festival in Mexico.

DREFF’s Programs
Throughout the Year

Since the inception of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2011, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) has created and developed 6 year-round programs that make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic.

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