DREFF’s Programs Throughout the Year
Since the inception of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) in 2011, Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) has created and developed 6 year-round programs that make a significant contribution to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic.
The ReCrearte program works with the most disadvantaged members of the community who receive training in the art of recycling and creating new objects from waste and, at the same time, learn to develop an alternative source of income. The program revolves around the “three golden rules” – or 3Rs – for the proper management of solid waste: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The workshops demonstrate and emphasize the idea that recycling waste and transforming it into art and daily use objects strengthens both the individuals and communities alike.
The EcoHuertos program seeks to support the creation of organic and sustainable vegetable gardens in schools and communities throughout the Dominican Republic. It also supports hands-on workshops in the field of natural sciences contained in the educational curriculum. The program generates awareness on the importance of a balanced diet, contributes to food security and independence, as well as creation of small local business.
RDescubre offers students from underserved communities in the Dominican Republic the opportunity to develop an emotional bond with the environment and to value their natural shared heritage, while helping them develop leadership abilities with a focus on personal growth and interpersonal skills. Participants attend lectures on environmental and sustainable development issues as well as participate in educational activities that strengthen their teamwork and community organizing capabilities.
Globo Verde Dominicano Award
It is a unique opportunity for filmmakers, professionals and students alike, to get involved in a less-ventured area in the Dominican Republic —the making of audiovisual material on issues related to the environment and sustainable development. Comprising of four categories: Short Film, Public Service Announcement, Photography, and Junior, the competition provides opportunities for Dominicans to showcase their talent while generating awareness on environmental and sustainable development issues.
Year Round Environmental Film Screenings
As part of its mission to reach more communities, institutions and individuals around the country, the DR Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) organizes year-round film screenings that bring interesting and important films to new and remote communities. By showing a diverse selection of quality movies on critical environmental and sustainable development issues and organizing discussions and workshops, the year-round film screenings program fosters and inspires dialogue, raises awareness and promotes sustainable practices.
GFDD Short Productions
The program seeks to highlight and raise awareness of important local environmental and socio-economic issues, showcase best practices, and educate audiences on the different and unique cultural aspects of the country, as well as to serve as an example and inspiration for young filmmakers on how to address this incipient field in the Dominican Republic.