November 12-15, 2019

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News: Hundreds of young people of all ages show enthusiasm, knowledge and environmental consciousness in the seventh edition of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival

November 15, 2019

Santo Domingo – The last four films of DREFF 2019 were screened at Santo Domingo and Santiago, concluding this edition in 3 cities and 9 venues in the Dominican Republic were hundreds of young people of all ages have shown grand knowledge and awareness of environmental threats as well as the available solutions to tackle climate change. Lila’s Book by Marcela Rincón González at Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil República Dominicana (BIJRD); El Buzo by Esteban Arrangoiz at the Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) of Santo Domingo; Pandas by Drew Fellman & David Douglas at Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons of Santiago de los Caballeros; and Ghost Fleet by Shannon Service at Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU) completed the program composed of 12 films from 6 countries- Colombia, Argentina, Belgium, U.S.A., Mexico and the Dominican Republic- screened in association with universities, schools, libraries, and cultural and research centers.

Maria Victoria Abreu, Director of programming, participated at the closing events in UNIBE and UNPHU in the capital, and gave her deepest thanks on behalf of DREFF to everyone who supported and guaranteed the success of each edition: partners, collaborators, audiences and guests “for your constant participation and enthusiasm you’ve had since the Festival was created in 2011.”

“This edition was filled with much enthusiasm, great films, discussions and new connections where once more there was an exchange of new skills and practices that have inspired us.”

Mary Galan, in charge of BIJRD’s Parque Greta room, said “throughout the course of the week the children have really enjoyed DREFF here at the library. They have learned so much and have enjoyed themselves while learning different techniques to preserve our environment. We are very happy that these initiatives are taking place in the library and that the children and adolescents can learn more about saving the environment.”

Dr. Isaury Castillo, coordinator of chemistry, biology and environment in UNIBE said of the plastic pollution after the screening at the academic institution; “We have a serious problem in our country, and we have been given a solution. For that reason, I congratulate the efforts made by DREFF to bring us these types of documentaries, the Sostenabilidad 3Rs program and the program Vecino Verde to bring awareness to the community.”

A student in the audience at Colegio Bilingue New Horizons in Santiago for Worse Than Poop!, Daniel E., said “if all adults used electric energy vehicles our planet would be cleaner and more enjoyable.” Another student at the same institution, Micaela B., said of Lila’s Book “Lila has taught us not to forget and not to accumulate things because that hurts our environment and other people.”

The Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival has continued this edition aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations tackling themes related to the conservation of species and the oceans, plastic pollution, gas emissions, renewable energy and other aspects of sustainable development and going over the best practices to implement and a local and international level.

Since its creation in 2011, the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) —an initiative of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode)— has been providing Dominicans with a platform of knowledge and debate on the environment and sustainable development, along with its challenges and best practices, while celebrating the unique beauty and wealth that is the Dominican Republic’s natural heritage.

All information related to film screenings, activities and schedules of DREFF 2019 will be announced soon at and in our social media pages, @MuestraCineMedioambiental (Facebook) and @MuestraCine (Twitter and Instagram).

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Sponsors and Collaborators

DREFF is a GFDD/Funglode initiative carried out with the support of

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