November 12-15, 2019

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News: DREFF 2019 concludes with an encouraging message to the Dominican youth

November 16, 2019

Santo Domingo – The seventh edition of the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival ended yesterday with an encouraging message to the Dominican youth: a message of commitment to the environment and a vision of a more harmonious planet under the care of everyone. A total of nine academic institutions of the Dominican Republic assembled hundreds of students of all ages, along with their professors and educational leaders, throughout the four days of the Festival filled with great films and profound discussions about environmental challenges and the best practices to tackle them.

Universities, schools, libraries, cultural and research centers in Santo Domingo, Santiago and Punta Cana were the main setting of an excellent exhibit which showcased the rising interest of younger generations to conserve the environment and nature. “We began in 2011 with the vision to bring this platform of consciousness and debate to every corner of the country. Times have changed since then. Now it is not about convincing people that we need to change our habits, public policy or ways of thinking,” explains the Director of DREFF, Natasha Despotovic. “Now we all know that change is in motion and we see it every day with the movements of millions of young people around the world asking for commitment and a new way of life. We have seen it these past few days in our Dominican youth.”

Despotovic also thanked the partners, collaborators, audiences and guests for their enthusiastic participation in another edition. “Let us continue in this way, with great films, sharing knowledge and inspiring one another to implement actions that make a difference.”

Throughout the four days, DREFF has received praise and applause from all who have been involved in the project. “For us, the Festival is an event about inclusion, a great party. It gives us the opportunity to share with talented people and individuals who are preoccupied with the environment. Our youngsters learn how to develop new content, being witness to the passion and knowledge of the creators. DREFF shows current themes beautifully accomplished that help us educate our academic community and has shown us that the producers continue evolving to not only prepare informative material but also a profound vision of the new human outlook. We sincerely appreciate being part of this event,” said Sardis Medrano, UNIBE’s Biology and Environmental Issues lab coordinator.

Since its creation in 2011, the Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival (DREFF) —an initiative of the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) and the Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (Funglode)— has been providing Dominicans with a platform of knowledge and debate on the environment and sustainable development, along with its challenges and best practices, while celebrating the unique beauty and wealth that is the Dominican Republic’s natural heritage.

DREFF, which has a vast net of national and international partners, has reached over 35,000 spectators in the country throughout the years and continues to amplify its impact in the Dominican territory daily.

All information related to film screenings, activities and schedules of DREFF 2019 will be announced soon at and in our social media pages, @MuestraCineMedioambiental (Facebook) and @MuestraCine (Twitter and Instagram).

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Sponsors and Collaborators

DREFF is a GFDD/Funglode initiative carried out with the support of

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