November 12-15, 2019

FREE ADMISSION! - Open to the public
MuestraCine MuestraCineMedioambiental


  • Santo Domingo

    Santo Domingo, the capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic, covers an area of approximately 1,401 square kilometers and currently has a population of 2,193,046. Santo Domingo was the first settlement established in the New World and is considered the cradle of evangelization in the Americas. Having served as the set for internationally renowned, big budget films such as The Godfather II, Havana andLaFiesta del Chivo(The Feast of the Goat), among others, consolidated Santo Domingo’s relationship with the Seventh Art.

    • Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
      Av. Francia No. 129, Gazcue
    • Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (UNPHU)
      Av. John F. Kennedy Km 7 1/2 Apartado Postal 1423 Sala Max Henríquez Ureña, Edificio 4, primer piso.
    • Biblioteca Infantil y Juvenil República Dominicana
      Ave. Dr. Delgado esq. Ave. Francia, 84988
    • Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) Campus Santo Tomás de Aquino
      Abraham Lincoln esq. Rómulo Betancourt
    • Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons
      Ave. Sarasota 51, Bella Vista. Salón de Conferencias Don Tomás Henriquez,
      Edficio Juan Garrido, 1er Piso
  • Santiago de los Caballeros

    Santiago tiene una superficie de 2,389 kilómetros y, aparte de ser la segunda ciudad del país, también es la ciudad más importante de la provincia del mismo nombre. Sus rones y licores han adquirido fama internacional, contribuyendo al desarrollo económico de la ciudad, y sus terrenos son utilizados principalmente para la agricultura y la agroindustria. Santiago es bien conocida por sus zonas francas industriales y sus arraigadas tradiciones culturales, que se expresan en un rico y variado folklore.

    • Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons
      C/ Prof. Manuel García García No. 3, Urb. Los Jardines Metropolitanos
    • Instituto Iberia
      Calle José Giménez Miralles #12, Llanos de Gurabo
    • Centro de Convenciones y Cultura Dominicana UTESA
      (CCCD UTESA) – Santiago
      Salón de Cine Contemporáneo. Ave. Las Carreras esquina Ave. Francia
  • Punta Cana

    Bavaro is a section of the municipal district of Verón, dependent on Higüey in Altagracia province of the Dominican Republic. Originally designed as a bedroom community for workers at the Punta Cana resort, it has become a center for tourist services as a result of hotel expansion to the north of Punta Cana, around Bavaro Beach, making it an important Dominican tourist area. It was here that the XII Latin American Summit was held on November 15-16, 2002, and brought together the heads of state and governments from 21 Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries.

    • Puntacana Village
      Calle Gri Gri, Punta Cana 23000, Dominican Republic

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DREFF is a GFDD/Funglode initiative carried out with the support of

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