Film Synopsis:
This documentary focusus on the preservation of the most valuable environmental asset in the Caribbean: the country's Cordillera Central [Central mountain range] and its forests, as well as the importance of forest conservation and sustainable land use for community development, poverty eradication and attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, at the regional level and in the Dominican Republic.
The documentary Cordillera Central Dominicana is a call create awareness among our citizens, especially the Dominican student population on all levels, to halt the deforestation of the forests that make up the Central Mountain Range and get to know our national parks, scientific reserves and protected areas as well as the country's flora, fauna and water resources.
The film seeks to validate the importance of forests, biodiversity, endemism, and the conservation of the forests of the Cordillera Central for the survival of the country and impact on the quality of life of current and future generations.